Yes, we verify all of our sellers so you can shop with confidence.
Yes, we verify all of our sellers so you can shop with confidence.
You should contact the seller You can do this by following one of the two options below:
If the seller added a tracking number, you’ll see Track Package. Click Track Package to see more tracking updates.
Why wasn’t tracking information provided for my order?
Not all delivery methods include tracking information. You can contact the shop to see if they have tracking information for your order, Go to MY ORDERS and click the MESSAGE SELLER button attached to your order.
On HomeMod sign in and go to MY ACCOUNT.
Find the order you want to cancel or change.
Select MESSAGE SELLER Request that the seller cancel or change the order and select Send
Accepting your request is up to the individual seller. Submitting a cancellation request doesn’t automatically cancel your order.
All items on HomeMod are sold by independent sellers. Each seller has their own policies that you can find on their shop homepage. Check the shop’s homepage to see their cancellation policy.
If you’re unsatisfied with an order, you may be able to return or exchange your order depending on the shop’s policies. To request a return, return label, or exchange, contact the shop.
Sellers are not required to accept a return or exchange unless stated in their shop policies. policy to check the shop policies. If the seller is willing to accept this return, be sure to settle on these details in a message before returning the item:
The delivery options, how long it takes and how much it costs for each product are listed on the relevant product pages under POLICIES. Each product is sent to you directly by the shop, they choose their delivery options.
Check individual product pages under POLICIES to see if an item can be delivered to you.
Import Duties and Customs:
When ordering to a country outside of the UK, items may be subject to import duties and taxes which are levied when the delivery reaches the specified destination. You will be responsible for payment of any such import duties and taxes. We have no control over these charges and cannot predict their amount. Please contact your local customs office for further information before placing your order. Alternatively you may find the answers you need via this Taxation and Customs factsheet and you can find more information available via the Taxation and Customs Union
Check individual product pages under POLICIES to see guarantee details